Monday, 25 June 2012 - social-media landing page

My landing page is up and running!
Up until now I've made do with Apple's iWeb for my domain name, but because all Mac websites are having the plug pulled on them at the end of this month, I had to get something a little more serious sorted out.
A few years ago I would have been staring at the prospect of a website with several pages, but now things are much simpler. All I needed was a single landing page, to integrate all the various social media sites I've populated with my online profile.
So here you have it - all my crap and apps in one heap.
Thanks to and I am able to have all my iTunes releases playable in one compact window, with an arrow link that opens up my complete profile, bio, and song lyrics with video links.
The menu along the top also links to other social media sites and I really think things are getting easier for artists online. In my recent radio interview (last blogpost) with Roger Fauske on Rock Rotation Radio I explain how Reverbnation allow the artist to link all their various media outlets.
With a little effort it's possible to transform a simple Facebook artist page into a store front to either promote or sell anything you think is worth a few cents.
Folks will always want stuff for free on the web and that is ok from a promotion point of view, after all how can people get into your music if they have to pay for something they haven't heard ?
It's an idealistic view that maybe if you make your material free to listen online then people will eventually want to buy it if it's any good.
Anyway, here is my e-raft, drifting around on the waves of the triple dubya.