Thursday, 22 November 2012

Church of England votes to be a laughing stock

The opium of the people
had a deformation today
not wishing to be out of step with the age
they shrank back into their malevolent heritage
where bishops bash choirboys
and women have no power.
The Laughing Stock surpassed itself this afternoon
at the speed of darkness, plunging back in time
to a land where men were god
and women were not

Women had to live apart from the tribe 
in designated huts until their menstrual tides had receded
But the hypocrites of 2012 doggedly dodge this bone of dogma
A Bishop is the father and their literal translations
continue to view women as inferior and incapable

Unequal in the eyes of an imagined male god
an all seeing, all knowing - jealous god.

He will not allow any other way but his tyranny
like all gods throughout the world
he is superior
everybody else is an unclean non believer
a savage or an infidel
dammed to hell for not knowing only his way.

In Leonardo's Last Supper
a woman can be clearly seen sitting near the centre
but to this day, religious zealots 
state that these are the twelve male apostles

and this is the crux of "la croix" issue
History is his story
Female power has been removed from society
by the winners of wars for mankind's control

Mary Magdalene was swiftly branded a prostitute
by the history writers
and to consider her as being an equal 
is heresy.

Women have had their spiritual worth
systematically ignored and sidelined throughout the ages
and in the 21st century it is fucking ridiculous

Rant over.

KZ © 2012